Frequently Asked Questions:

Where is eXp Realty open for business?

eXp is a rapidly growing cloud-based real estate company with over 88,000 agents internationally across 24 countries including: U.S.A., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand France, Mexico, South Africa, India, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Spain, Colombia, Israel, Panama, Germany and is changing the game for agents and consumers alike. 

How can I join eXp New Zealand?

To join exp you must be sponsored by an existing eXp agent. If you do not have a sponsor and you would like to join you can reach out to one of our eXp New Zealand growth team and they can organise sponsorship for you. Once this is approved you can make your way to the Join App and complete your application to join eXp New Zealand.

I’m a commission only agent can I join?

Yes, as a commission only agent you can join eXp New Zealand.  You must have a current New Zealand Sales Persons Licence with at least 1 year of experience in the industry.

I have my own business can I join?

Yes, absolutely you can join as a single agent or as a team.  You will be required to have a New Zealand Sales Person Licence so you can work directly under the New Zealand branding.  Or you can have your brand “Brokered by eXp New Zealand”.

I work in a team – can I bring my team to eXp New Zealand?

Yes, we can offer a team structure and cam explain this to you on a one on one call as to how this can work and enhance your business.

What are the fees to join eXp New Zealand

$400 + GST once off join fee (This includes your first monthly fee)

Thereafter $200 + GST monthly fee.

Learn more on our “Fees” page.

Who can I contact to learn more about eXp New Zealand?

Please use our enquiry form below to get in touch.


Or contact: Emily Morgan 09871 8022